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The Car Situation

I'm trying to figure out what to do with my car. It's a situation.

The Virginia Car

I have a car in Virginia and I need to figure out what to do with it while I'm gone.

It's getting a little old, but still looks good. (Just like all of us, right?) It's very small. If it even hears the word "snow" it immediately curls into a fetal position. It can barely handle potholes, much less bumpy gravel mountain roads.

And I love this stupid car.

Obviously I can't take it with me, so I am considering some options.

Store it.

Seems like a simple passive option, right? Wrong. Storing a car is SUPER complicated!

  • Add fuel stabilizer to a full tank and drive 30-40 miles

  • Pull the spark plugs and spray oil onto cylinders. Olive oil?

  • Wipe down the battery and disconnect the negative cable. Or purchase a battery tender. As one does.

  • Add 10 lbs of pressure to the tires to avoid deflation. Or remove them altogether and put your vehicle on blocks. I literally laughed out loud at this one. BRB. Need to go get my jack and some cinder blocks.

  • Cover openings, like the tailpipe and air vents, so CRITTERS don't get in. Ew.

On top of all that, it's also super expensive. It will cost almost as much to store my car as it does to store all my household goods.

Next option, please.

Sell it.

But I love this stupid car.

My family thinks "maybe it's time you start looking for a different car, maybe something a little bigger?" Also, they mentioned this while I was borrowing their car to pick up moving boxes. :) I got a quote from CarMax. Booo! I also got a quote from Carvana that is 23% higher than CarMax. Looks like Carvana might love my car almost as much as I do.

Do you want to buy my car? It might not seem so bad selling it to a friend.

Share it.

Anyone want an extra set of wheels for the summer? You're welcome to drive it. All you have to do is make sure it doesn't have critters in it when I get back.


Decision still pending.


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Shana Takes a Hike  |  adventures of a modern day vagabond

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