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Mom & Dad finally checked out my blog.

And they still haven't subscribed.

My parents finally decided to check out my blog. Here are snippets of the conversation, in no particular order.

Dad: I didn't even know you had a blog.

Mom: Greg, I told you she had a blog. Shana, what's the name of your blog again?

Mom: how do I get on your blog? Do I go to text messages? Or email?

Dad: you have to get ON the blog? Will people know we're on it?

Mom: I can't see the pictures on your blog. Why can Greg see the pictures on his?

(We realized Mom's iPhone 6 has never updated its iOS. Cue tech support for an update.)

Mom: why is this asking for my email address?

Dad: what happens if I put my email address here?

Me: I am going to spam you.

Dad: (head swivels around, eyes bug out)

Mom: do we have to pay to subscribe?

Dad: well, I'm not paying for this.

Conversation ends with me updating Mom's phone. And neither one of my parents subscribing.


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Shana Takes a Hike  |  adventures of a modern day vagabond

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