And they still haven't subscribed.
My parents finally decided to check out my blog. Here are snippets of the conversation, in no particular order.
Dad: I didn't even know you had a blog.
Mom: Greg, I told you she had a blog. Shana, what's the name of your blog again?
Mom: how do I get on your blog? Do I go to text messages? Or email?
Dad: you have to get ON the blog? Will people know we're on it?
Mom: I can't see the pictures on your blog. Why can Greg see the pictures on his?
(We realized Mom's iPhone 6 has never updated its iOS. Cue tech support for an update.)
Mom: why is this asking for my email address?
Dad: what happens if I put my email address here?
Me: I am going to spam you.
Dad: (head swivels around, eyes bug out)
Mom: do we have to pay to subscribe?
Dad: well, I'm not paying for this.
Conversation ends with me updating Mom's phone. And neither one of my parents subscribing.