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Jared & Katie!


Super excited to meet up with family along the way!

The highlight of visiting Tucson was getting to see Jared & Katie and finally meeting their adorable little twerps. ❤️

They invited me over for dinner and made corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and green milk to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and our Irish heritage. They have a gorgeous house on top of a hill with a stunning view ... plus three littles: 5, 3, and 8 months.

How cute are these little faces?

Man, it's been a few years since I got to squeeze a baby! Even though this little guy's suspicions were correct that he was at high risk of being stolen by me, he finally overcame his stranger danger misgivings and let me hold him for a bit. He's only smiling because he could see his mama and not me. :)

The girls on the other hand were total hams and played with me the entire evening. They are adorable and I don't get to talk about princesses very often, so it was fun seeing their wardrobe changes and "jewelry" collections. We drove a bus, flew a plane, ran some races, wore some tiaras, and read some stories. They are so sweet with a ton of personality and gorgeous blue eyes.

We finally got a picture of all of us. Our selfie game is not strong.

Quick epilogue: Katie and Jared also invited me to join them for Mass on Sunday morning. First, it was so nice to attend Mass in person and actually receive Holy Communion! And second, I've never seen three little kids so well-behaved in church in my entire life. Kudos, Jared and Katie - the selfie game may need work, but at least your parenting skills are strong!


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