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First Stop: Arizona

Finally, sunshine, warm weather, and friends I haven't seen in ages.

First stop on this crazy journey: Arizona!

I fly into Phoenix on 13 Mar. My sole purpose in Phoenix is to purchase a car.

From there, I'll drive to Tucson to spend a week or two.

My cousins Jared and Katie live there with their three adorable little twerps that I'm super excited to meet - I haven't squeezed a baby in a long time!

Also, one of my good friends, Deb, will be staying in AZ for the month of March so it will be super awesome to get in some good hikes and hang out with her.

I have done ZERO research on Tucson so far, so if you have suggestions of things to do, please let me know!

And stay tuned for more info when I finally have a plan of things to do there.

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Shana Takes a Hike  |  adventures of a modern day vagabond

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