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Bear Mountain


This is definitely a bear of a mountain to trek!

I set out Tuesday afternoon for my first "real" hike in Sedona. By that, I mean it was my first hike in Sedona rated difficult, one that pushes your heart rate a little higher than normal, and one that is a little less crowded as a result. And I loved it.

At the trailhead, you are greeted with this warm welcome:

See the mountain behind the sign? Yep, you hike to the top of that. And then you hike to the peak behind that. And then to the peak behind that.

Occasionally, it was tricky to follow the trail. In those instances, just look up. Oh, there it is!

Another view of the first summit on the way up:

Made it to the top! Haha, just kidding. This is just the first summit and also the day I learned the definition of false summit.

The great news about this hike is that, even though it's a constant uphill, there is constant reward along the way for your efforts. Another incredible vista along the way:

And another little reward in the form of an insane canyon - this pic doesn't show just how deep it is. I can't imagine what the Grand Canyon must look like!

And now ... FINALLY! Made it to the top. This time there is no question.

Here's the view from the summit. Well worth the climb!

Total hike: 5.25 miles. 2,137' elevation gain. That's a 15 degree slope. But stairs average a slope of 30-35 degrees, so this was easy, right?


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Shana Takes a Hike  |  adventures of a modern day vagabond

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