Mar 17, 20212 min

Seven Falls via Bear Canyon Road

Updated: Mar 25, 2021


Hike number two in the books!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, everybody! Celebrated my Irish heritage by driving out to Sabino Canyon, just northeast of Tucson in the Santa Catalina Mountains and Coronado National Forest. This hike was GORGEOUS!

The trail runs along the bottom of a canyon, with mountains jutting up on either side of you, dotted with cactus and a few rock scrambles along the way. The trail follows a stream to the falls, occasionally crisscrossing over it, and the sound of water accompanies you most of the way.

This hike was absolutely gorgeous. It was hard to capture the beauty in pictures though because the mountains are just huge and so close to you. But man, that blue sky is captured perfectly!

Toward the end of the trail, you get a little elevation gain as you hike up to an awesome vista of the falls and the crystal clear pools. I saw a couple brave souls jump in, but the water was way too cold for me.

See the tiny people next to the water?

I hiked down to the pool at the foot of the falls. Here's me where those tiny people were:

Here's the pool at the foot of the falls. See how clear that water is?

The weather was perfect for hiking -- 69 degrees and 17% humidity. Bonus - my phone rang right as I started the hike and I was able to catch up with Leslie for a bit before my service gave out. Love hearing from friends!

Total distance 7.64 miles (although most of the .64 was because the parking lot was full and I had to park down the road a ways) and 1,081' elevation gain.